Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Google Jockeying

Educause site on Google Jockeying

Joyce kindly volunteered to be the Google Jockey for our Wimba session Dec 11th. (Have a look at her kG Google Jockey page) Wow! The speed. Talk about thinking on your feet, and keeping up with the flow of conversation! I can see the benefits in a course like this with such a diverse range of subject matter and so many varied interests among all the participants. Of course, there's always the danger of getting 'lost in hypertext', the temptation to follow a link and then lose your focus and forget the main purpose of your initial search. We covered this issue in FET 5621 when we were evaluating websites. ****FIND REF*******
I'm not sure I could apply it to my current context although I'm definitely in a technical environment that would support it. My students just wouldn't be up to it. But someone (Kate, I think on Joyce's facilitated page) mentioned having a dictionary or thesaurus jockey. Now that could possibly work.) Anyway, well done Joyce!

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