Thursday, December 20, 2007

Learning Community

Nothing specific to report, just some general musings. I've been looking at the discussion boards and the goings on in the shoutbox in kG, and everyone is getting excited by the upcoming Christmas break. Now for me that doesn't really mean anything as I'll be working as normal since Christams isn't celebrated here. But a thought did flash across my mind that things would go quiet on the course and I'd have nobody to play with! Logging in to kG when I get to work has just become a habit these days. Even if I don't plan on adding anything to my page, I like to keep an eye on what's going on, and I always worry about someone having contributed to my page and not being acknowledged.
If you had asked me a couple of years ago if I would enjoy this kind of learning set-up, the answer would have been a categorical 'No!' I was always very much a keep-your-head-down-keep-yourself-to-yourself kind of student, perhaps because that's the way I was taught. I struggle to think of any groupwork we did at school other than science projects.
Worse still, as a student, if I found some brilliant reference or got the answer to a question that people were struggling over, I would keep it to myself just to make sure that when I handed my work in, I'd get the best mark. And my friends did the same!
So what's changed? Why am I enjoying being part of this learning community? Will have to get back to you on that as it's time for class.

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