Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Surprising Fact (and Murphy's Law)

I've just had a kG message from Peter saying that my Musings page is becoming popular so he had added a hit counter. I'm very surprised by this, as it's just full of my ramblings about the course readings. And even more surprised because I haven't been promoting the page at all. I'm promoting the Hot Potatoes page at every opportunity, but to very little avail - Murphy's Law or what! I suppose the Hot Potatoes software is really only relevant to those who spend time making their own interactive material (mostly TEFL teachers, I suspect!) but the readings are relevant to everyone on the course. Anyway, good news, I know, but it's only added to my dilemma about how much time I should spend on a page that isn't going to be assessed (or is it? I've emailed Peter about this.)

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hi Paula,

I sympathize with your situation. I've also gotten little attention on my KG wiki. Your site is very specific but I liked it quite a bit. I use the software so it was nice to see that someone was introducing such an interesting bit of technology.

This assignment seems a bit of a waste as far as our pages compared to other people's pages. It's nice that your musing page is getting hits. My written paper will mostly be analyzing why it failed. I suppose that's a valuable lesson anyways. Good luck with the time and have fun in NY.